10 reasons people seek Relationship Counseling in Ann Arbor and Across Michigan

What is relationship counseling In Ann Arbor?

Couples counseling and relationship counseling are terms used interchangeably. Using different treatment techniques and modalities, therapists can work with a couple together OR one partner individually to identify the problem areas and develop strategies to “fix” them.

Why do people seek relationship therapy in michigan?

There are countless reasons why someone might seek out relationship counseling in Ann Arbor and relationship therapy in michigan. Below are some common reasons: 

  • You and your partner are having some communication issues arising from unmet expectations (that may or may not have been communicated), and/or unmet needs in your relationship

  • You and your partner are fighting…about the same thing over and over again and and you handle conflict differently, one of you fights, the other shuts down

  • You and your partner have experienced changes in frequency or loss of intimacy or there has been infidelity and a breach of trust

  • You and your partner are experiencing parenting challenges. From pregnancy to infancy to childhood and beyond, couples may handle parenting differently which can cause friction

  • You or your partner are stretched too thin by too many responsibilities within or outside of the relationship (e.g. parenting young children, working overtime, managing a household, caring for aging parents)

  • You and your partner have placed too much on each other to fulfill too many roles. When a partner is our lover, best friend, confidant, coparent, and financial provider, that can place too much pressure and responsibility on the partner. 

  • Loss of emotional connection and not prioritizing regular time together. When was your last date night? Time together, like a weekly date night on Fridays, should be sacred.

THerapists who offer Couples & Relationship Counseling in Ann Arbor

Different therapists may take different approaches, some working with individual clients, others working with couples. Both strategies can be effective.  I offer 1:1 couples and relationship counseling in Ann Arbor and across Michigan in an online therapy format.

Wait, what? Isn’t the point of couples counseling and relationship counseling to come together as a couple? Ideally, yes! But how many times have I heard from friends, family, and even colleagues that they have troubles in their relationship, but their other half won’t talk to someone on their own, let alone come to counseling together.

What is that partner left to do? Suffer in silence in a relationship that is not serving their needs? Instead, what if that partner attended 1:1 couples and relationship counseling without their partner or spouse?

Learn more about Relationship Counseling in Ann Arbor And relationship therapy in michigan

Hi, I’m Nikki. A graduate of the University of Michigan School of Social Work and a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with 17+ years of experience. In my online therapy practice, I offer 1:1 couples counseling and relationship counseling supporting individuals at bumpy times in their romantic relationships.

Contact me here for your FREE 15-minute consultation!


Questions to ask a Psychologist, Counselor, or Therapist in Ann Arbor, MI


Finding a psychologist, counselor, or therapist in Ann Arbor, MI